Important Dates

Submission Guidelines

Submitted manuscripts must represent original unpublished research that is not currently under review for any other conference or journal. Manuscripts are submitted in PDF format and may not exceed 6 ACM-formatted double-column pages (+2 for additional fee), including figures, tables, and references. All manuscripts will be reviewed and judged on correctness, originality, technical strength, rigour in analysis, quality of results, quality of presentation, and interest and relevance to the workshop attendees.

The workshop adopts a double-blind review process. This means that papers must not list or otherwise identify the authors. References to previous work should be done in the third person so as to not reveal the identities of the authors. Submissions that are not anonymous may be rejected without review.

At least one author of each accepted paper must attend the workshop and must register for a full (non-student, non-workshop) rate. All other workshop participants must register under the UCC 2023 workshop day registration fee or the conference fee.

The workshop proceedings will be published by ACM and will be made available online via the IEEE Xplore Digital Library and ACM Digital Library.

Authors are invited to submit papers electronically through the following link

Download the LaTeX or Microsoft Word submission template.

Call for papers

The Call for papers can be downloaded in PDF format here:


Workshop Chairs

The International Workshop on the Cloud-Edge-IoT Continuum for Hyper-Distributed Applications and Services (CEICO) is being organized by:

The organizers are grateful for support from the following sponsors: